Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Summicron 90mm

(March, 2021) - Captured a couple portraits of Tokyo with the Leica Summicron 90mm f/2. I love this lens because it is quick and easy to acquire focus. Since cats move around so much, it's hard to lock manual focus. I think this focal length combined with the maximum aperture makes this lens usable for slow moving subjects. I guess it's one of my go-to cat lenses.

Tis the Season

SAN PEDRO, Calif. (March, 2021) - The Peregrine Falcons were back on the cliffs in San Pedro this month. This is their mating season and I look forward to photographing the babies soon. If you've ever witnessed them eating, it's pretty brutal. The little Starling was alive and trying to fight him off when he first landed on the rock.